We are citizens of the world

We believe in the benefits of international experiences and cultural exchange.

What is it about?

We bring together Italian families and Erasmus students looking for an accessible form of cultural exchange. Our mission is to make the hospitality of one dinner a week an integral ingredient of any memorable study abroad experience.

The Dinehome Project

It was the desire to make international hospitality accessible to everyone that gave birth to the Dinehome project in 2017. The hospitality formula that we propose is the simplest of all and consists of having dinner with an Erasmus student (or with an Italian family) once a week. Dinehome is first of all an adventure that requires a bit of courage, then a personal challenge, since it means putting yourself on the line, and finally a gift, since it will give you unforgettable memories and friendships.

Our values

" We believe in a united world
That is why Dinehome is aimed at all those who, like us, like to call themselves "citizens of the world".

" We believe in the exchange between different cultures
That is why Dinehome wants to be a moment of encounter, a springboard for individual and collective growth.

" We believe in hospitality
That's why Dinehome was created as a place for the free exchange of dinners, because the most beautiful things are not bought, they are experienced.

" We believe in adventure
That's why Dinehome requires a bit of courage: welcoming or going to the home of - still - perfect strangers.

Meet the team

Rossella Govoni

HR consultant, pathological traveler, not yet chronic, lover of art and starry skies.

Agostino Govoni

Digital craftsman, frequent traveler, perfectionist web designer. And yes, I am always optimistic!

Dinehome in numbers

1000+ Verified Members

93% satisfied

4000+ dinners organised

60+ nationalities participating